Tuesday, April 23, 2013


W wants to learn Spanish so he is going to learn Spanish! :)

Science, Beautiful Science!

I'm so excited to discuss science with my son. There are so many things he would never learn in school that he needs to know!
Our first topic is going to be Astronomy/Cosmology.
This geek is geeked!!!!
I'm making a playlist of cool videos I've found on YouTube to get him started.
BTW- YouTube is my new BFF!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

What Your _____ Grader Needs to Know

I love this series! I just ordered this and plan to let W go through it and choose what order he learns these things. If one idea takes us on a path to deeper learning, field trips, ect I will be happy! :)

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Pick another documentary from Monday's list and in addition to the regular assignment, let me know your opinion on what you watched.


I'm so proud of what my son got out of the documentary he watched yesterday! He clearly has amazing critical thinking skills and they were not being utilized in school. I can't wait to see all the other amazing things W is capable of!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Monday 4/15/13

What to do?

Watch one or more of these videos on Netflix.


King Corn 

Food Matters 

Food Fight 


Fed Up! 

Genetic Chile 


Tomorrow is Un-School Day 1!!!!!

Tomorrow is W's first day of un-schooling! I am excited for him to be free of the stress of traditional school! As a child with high functioning autism, his educational needs are much different than the average child & he does not fit the mold he is expected to fit. 

Another relief for both of us is walking away from the new idea of "teaching to the test." This is just ridiculous & makes education so shallow. Now I will have the opportunity to teach W all the things he was missing out on. 

I've decided he should focus on one area per day or per a few days depending on his level of interest. We are going to start out tomorrow with learning about GMO/Monsanto since he is interested in this and we will be attending an anti-Monsanto rally soon. Thankfully Netflix has some great documentaries to help him do his research. 

I'm really excited about this change and I can't wait to see how it will benefit W as he starts to take more control over his own education. :)