Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Pick another documentary from Monday's list and in addition to the regular assignment, let me know your opinion on what you watched.

1 comment:

  1. Frankensteer:

    Main Idea: About how cows are fed bad food and how it affects us

    1. 50 Years ago eating beef was for special occasions

    2. The cows are healthier in an area like there environment

    3. The company's claim its not bad to feed them grains

    4. The grains just make them fatter quicker

    5. It takes time to get cows to eat grains

    6. Grain can poison the animals over time

    7. Cows getting stressed can lead to sickness

    8. Antibiotics are growth promoting hormones

    9. They want more muscle then fat

    10. It's bad on the immune system on young animals

    My Opinion: Really Really Interesting
